Health and Wellness Consultations


Advice and actions to support better nutrition choices now!  

  • How to crowd out bad foods with good
  • Find more time in your day to improve your habits
  • Nutritional guidance to help you along your way.
  • 1 x 75min coaching session via zoom or in person
  • Your investment $150
  • The Clear Out


Work together over one month to reach a health / life goal

  • Gain the foundations for positive change
  • Includes email support throughout the month
  • Receive a personalised plan with aligned homework & tools where appropriate to encourage inspired action for continuous growth & expansion
  • Free Love Your Body Guide to Wellbeing
  • 3 x 60min coaching sessions via zoom or in person
  • Your investment $435
  • Tune Me Up                                                                                  


Work together over three months, twice a month to make a powerful habit and mindset changes. I'll teach you how to crowd out bad foods, to truly love yourself when you look in the mirror and to feel the best version of yourself.
    • ​Includes email and text support throughout the three months with progress and accountability monitoring
    • Receive a personalised plan with aligned homework & tools where appropriate to encourage inspired action for continuous growth & expansion
    • Free Love Your Body Guide to Wellbeing
    • 6 x 60 min coaching sessions via zoom or in person you can mix it up.
    • We will go over pantry staples, recipes to keep you nourished and healthy
    • A set of gratitude cards to inspire you every day
    • Your investment $785
    • Nurture Me Now


      Work together over six months to make a full transformation of body and mind, living your purpose and rediscovering your zest for life

      • Includes unlimited email and text support during the period we work together and for the following six months with progress and accountability monitoring
      • Receive a personalised plan with aligned homework & tools where appropriate to encourage inspired action for continuous growth & expansion
      • Free Love Your Body Guide to Wellbeing
      • 12 x 60 min coaching sessions
      • We will go over pantry staples, recipes to keep you nourished and healthy along with the understanding of why we need to bring in certain food groups for optimal health and wellbeing.
      • Connections to other health professionals that will align with your path of permanent change to a healthier, happier you.
      • A set of gratitude cards & a daily mantra book to ignite your purpose every day 
      • Your investment $1480
      • Get Your Game On