
Love Your Body is a wonderful place to visit and fill your love tank with whatever it needs. The online shop is full of beautiful items that will indulge your senses and aesthetic, and bring harmony to your soul. My blogs are full of real stories, adventures, recipes and quotes to get you thinking and heading towards what you really want.

When you're ready, my online consultations are ideal for you to take the steps for permanent positive change. I will help you achieve this by asking the high mileage questions and then teach you how to implement that knowledge into a shift for the better you.

About Mardi

I’m Melbourne born and left home to travel when I was 23, after a short career as a qualified beauty therapist. I found myself in love, living in Venice and from that base I travelled Europe, Africa and the Middle East for two years, before finding my home in New Zealand. I founded my beauty business in 1994 and then progressively secured qualifications in remedial massage, aromatherapy, iridology, reflexology and Reiki. Despite all this incredible knowledge, I knew that I was still hungry for more.

Alongside my business, I embarked on a pathway of learning in food and nutrition - I love this area of health. Balanced nutrition truly is the essence of a healthy life. 

Fast forward to the pandemic, March 2020: the world changed faster than you could take a breath. On top of the pandemic upending everything we thought we knew, I had just turned 50 and wow my hormones were a roller coaster. I couldn’t find balance in any area of my life, so I researched obsessively and consulted many different health and hormone professionals.

None of the conventional guidance worked for me. What I was experiencing and hearing from most woman my age was a desperate need for something else. A great friend of mine supported my decision to study health coaching through an international school in New York. I loved it so much I embarked on a  hormone health course, gaining deep knowledge on this subject so fundamental to all of us.

What I have to share is the knowledge of what we all struggle with, first hand experience of what so many women go through and the education to help others on new journey back to loving your body inside and out - spiritually, mentally and physically.

Come and join me on this wonderful journey of self discovery, health and happiness. Let me support you to be all that you can be.

Much love Mardi.x