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Microbiome - Take care of your gut!

Taking care of your gut health is crucial for overall health and well-being. A healthy gut microbiome can help prevent a wide range of health problems and support a healthy immune system. By eating a healthy and balanced diet that includes probiotic-rich foods, fibre-rich foods, healthy fats, and prebiotic-rich foods, you can support your gut health and maintain a healthy and happy gut microbiome. 

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Zinc and your overall health

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a key role in many of the body's processes. It is involved in a wide range of functions, from supporting the immune system to aiding in wound healing and helping the body process food. Zinc is also important for skin health, vision, and fertility

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The Benefits of Collagen

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that is vital for maintaining healthy skin, hair, bones, joints, and connective tissues. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, leading to wrinkles, joint pain, and a decline in skin elasticity. This is why supplementing with collagen has become a popular way to support overall health and wellbeing.

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The little known, but crucial benefits of Selenium

Selenium is a trace mineral that plays a vital role in the body's overall health. This mineral helps support the immune system, protects against oxidative stress, and helps regulate thyroid function. It is also essential for reproductive health and plays a role in DNA synthesis and protection.

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